A Year of Feminist Classics

Because they're better together :)

The Book of the City of Ladies: Wrapup

The City is completed and the Queen welcomed in

Here we are at the end of March (well, close enough), and it’s time to wrap up our reading of the Book of the City of Ladies.  I hope you all enjoyed it or at least got something out of it.  I know my rather one-sided enthusiasm for Christine’s amazing book is not necessarily shared by all of you!

I was so pleased to have the chance to learn about this international debate, the “Querrel du Roman de la Rose,” and the resulting discussion about the status of women in society.  I would love to read more of the documents from that debate, and hope to get that chance sometime.

Thanks so much for joining in this month’s reading.  If you haven’t yet linked up your blog post, this is the place to do it.  Please tell me your thoughts about medieval society, women, and Christine’s challenge to her contemporaries.

3 responses to “The Book of the City of Ladies: Wrapup

  1. amymckie April 15, 2012 at 12:46 am

    I realized that I forgot to link to my review of the book, I apologize! Great book, thank you for suggesting it and leading the discussion. My review is here: http://amckiereads.com/2012/03/30/review-book-of-the-city-of-ladies-by-christine-de-pizan/

  2. amymckie April 30, 2012 at 2:07 am

    I found it interesting to stumble upon a reference to the Romance of the Rose in The Magician’s Book by Laura Miller the other day. It turns out that, apparently, it was a big favourite as an example of allegory for C.S. Lewis. Thought you might find that interesting as well 🙂

  3. Brian Joseph June 16, 2012 at 12:40 am

    Hello everyone. By coincidence As I was reading this work I realized that this read along had wrapped up a couple of months. I actually thought that this book was a brilliant accomplishment by Christine. I apologize for visiting so late. My commentary is here:


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